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Leistungsfähige universelle Kurven-Auswertungs-Software
powerful application-independent curve analysis Software

Screenshot Lukas
PC-Software runs on Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP

What LUKAS can do:
-Define and store information about measurement device and measurement.
-Download measurement data from a device.
-Display these measurement values in graphs and edit these.
-Manage and file graphs, measurement data and measurement jobs
-Export measurement values to file (csv, txt, optional)
-Special features can be implemented on request

software-support via internet

description part number content of delivery
Lukas Logo Lukas Download  Freeware, Programm with Installationsfile, english (5MB)
 more versions of Lukas

No acceptance of liability
The soft- and hardware described is to be used at your own risk I cannot be held responsible for any outcome of the use of them. I cannot guarantee the suitability for any application.

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