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Real-time operating system (RTOS) software for embedded systems.

General description of OS9000 on MPC555

by BALS HARDWARE & Software

Bals Logo
 Table of Contents:

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Basic features of OS9 on MPC555

Example include files
Example include file of internal mpc555 SIU *
Example include file for serial interface QSM *
Example init process for TOUCAN *


Werner Bals
  Basic features of OS9 on MPC555


  1. Full implemented .h-structure of processor internals
  2. Full implemented .h structure for all internal peripherals like Serial interface, RAM, FLASH, ADC, CAN, TPU, MIOS, SCI, SPI, ...
  3. full support of internal serial peripherals for standard os9 interface (term)
  4. complete os9000 modules for irq, vector, timer
  5. using internal decrementer for fast ticker
  6. full support of mpc555 internal ram
  7. init process initializing all internal features like chip select, bus interface
  8. Coreboot-SW for booting without any additional software
  9. Board support package fitting to standard PowerPC support package structure ( Hawk 2.0 / PPC1.4)
  10. HW recommendation list to fit to OS9000 requirements ( vectors in RAM, external RAM and ROM, …)
  11. Flash task to move OS9000-modules from module directory to internal flash of MPC555

    The MPC555 is the first PowerPC – device with internal Flash. It also contains all automotive peripherals like Serial, CAN, Timer, …

    The source files contains more than 75KB of include files !

    Due to the fixed memory layout and the vector table requirements BALS HW & SW found a special solution for OS9000.

    The coreboot created by BALS HW & SW can boot directly without additional Software.

    The SIU IRQ module supports all internal peripherals.


  12. The HW recommendation list contains a description to connect external peripherals ( f.e. ethernet controller ) to use correct bus access and irq model.
Example include files
 Example include file of internal mpc555 SIU
 #if !defined(_SIU555_H)
#define _SIU555_H
| Definitions for the MPC555-SIU (System Interface Unit) |
| Edition History |
| |
| # Date Comments By |
| -- -------- ---------------------------------------------- --- |
| 01 96/10/21 Created from siu505.h WB |
#define SIUBASE IMMRBASE+0x002fc000 /* Base address of SIU */
typedef struct siu555 {
volatile unsigned long SIUMCR; /* Configuration Register */
volatile unsigned long SYPCR; /* System Protection Control Register */
long reserv0;
volatile unsigned long SWSR; /* Software Service Register */
volatile unsigned long SIPEND; /* Interrupt Pending */
volatile unsigned long SIMASK; /* Interrupt Mask Register */
volatile unsigned long SIEL; /* Interrupt edge level Register */
volatile unsigned long SIVEC; /* Interrupt vector */
volatile unsigned long TESR; /* Transfer error status register */
volatile unsigned long SGPIODT; /* USIU general purpus I/O Data register*/
long reservB[4];
volatile unsigned long PISCRIK; /* pit status and control key */
volatile unsigned long PITCK; /* pit count key */
long reservC[14];
volatile unsigned long SCCRK; /* system clock control key */
volatile unsigned long PLPRCRK; /* pll low power and reset control reg. key */
volatile unsigned long RSRK; /* reset status register key */
} SIU555; /* end struct siu505 */
! Bit definitions for the different registers of SIU555 !
/* SIUMCR - SIU Module Configuration Register (see MPC555 Manual, Page 6-19) */
#define EARB 0x80000000 /* Ext. Arbitration */
#define EARP 0x70000000 /* ext. arb. priority */
#define DSHW 0x00800000 /* show data cycles */
#define DBGC 0x00600000 /* debug pin conf. */
#define DBPC 0x00100000 /* debug port pin conf. */
#define ATWC 0x00080000 /* add. write type anebla conf. */
#define GPC 0x00060000 /* pin conf. */
#define DLK 0x00010000 /* debug register clock */
#define SC 0x00006000 /* single chip select */
#define RTCX 0x00001000 /* reset conf. timer expired */
#define MLRC 0x00000C00 /* multi level res. contr. */
/* SYPCR - system protection control register */
#define SWP 0x00000001 /* sw watchdog timer prescaled */
#define SWRI 0x00000002 /* sw watchdog causes reset */
#define SWE 0x00000004 /* sw watchdog enable */
#define BME 0x00000008 /* bus monitor enable */
#define BMT 0x0000ff00 /* max. bus monitor time */
/* SWSR - Software Watchdog Service Register */
#define SWSR_TRIG1 0x556C /* first value to write to SWSR for triggering */
#define SWSR_TRIG2 0xAA39 /* second value to write to SWSR for triggering */
/* SIPEND - SIU interrupt pendign register */
#define IRQ0 0x80000000
#define LVL0 0x40000000
#define IRQ1 0x20000000
#define LVL1 0x10000000
#define IRQ2 0x08000000
#define LVL2 0x04000000
#define IRQ3 0x02000000
#define LVL3 0x01000000
#define IRQ4 0x00800000
#define LVL4 0x00400000
#define IRQ5 0x00200000
#define LVL5 0x00100000
#define IRQ6 0x00080000
#define LVL6 0x00040000
#define IRQ7 0x00020000
#define LVL7 0x00010000
/* SIMASK - SIU interrupt mask register */
#define IRM0 0x80000000
#define LVM0 0x40000000
 Example include file for serial interface QSM
 #if !defined(_QSMCM_H)
#define _QSMCM_H
| |
| Definitions for the MPC555 QSM (Queued Serial Module) |
| |
| |
| Edition History |
| |
| # Date Comments By |
| -- -------- -----------------------------------------------------|
| 01 98/02/25 Created from "qsm16.h" WB |
| |
#define QSMCM_BASE IMMRBASE+0x00305000
/* This is the structure of the registers that are associated with QSM.
It is defined as offsets from QSMCM_BASE. */
typedef struct qsmcm {
volatile unsigned short QSMCR; /* Configuration register */
volatile unsigned short QTEST; /* QSM Test register, for factory test only */
volatile unsigned short QDSCI_IL; /* dual QSM IRQ level register (MSB only) */
volatile unsigned short QSPI_IL; /* QSPI interupt level register (LSB only) */
/********* Asynchronous Serial Port 1 **********/
volatile unsigned short SCC1R0; /* Baud Rate ---\ */
volatile unsigned short SCC1R1; /* Baud Rate ---\ */
volatile unsigned short SCS1SR; /* Status Register |-- UART ( /TERM ) */
volatile unsigned short SC1DR; /* Data Register ---/ */
short notused1[2];
volatile unsigned short PORTQS; /* Port data register (LSB only) */
volatile unsigned short DDRQS; /* Pin assignment (MSB) and Data direction (LSB) register */
/******** High Speed Synchronus Port ********/
volatile unsigned short SPCR0; /* Control Register 0 */
volatile unsigned short SPCR1; /* Control Register 1 */
volatile unsigned short SPCR2; /* Control Register 2 */
volatile unsigned short SPSR; /* Control Register 3 (MSB) and Status Register (LSB) */
/********* Asynchronous Serial Port 2 **********/
volatile unsigned short SCC2R0; /* Baud Rate ---\ */
volatile unsigned short SCC2R1; /* Baud Rate ---\ */
volatile unsigned short SCS2SR; /* Status Register |-- UART ( /TERM ) */
volatile unsigned short SC2DR; /* Data Register ---/ */
/* qsci controls */
volatile unsigned short QSCI1CR;
volatile unsigned short QSCI1SR;
volatile unsigned short SCTQ[ 16]; /* transmit queue locations */
volatile unsigned short SCRQ[ 16]; /* transmit queue locations */
short notused[ 106];
volatile unsigned short RR[32]; /* 32 half word Receive RAM */
volatile unsigned short TR[32]; /* 32 half word Transmit RAM */
volatile unsigned char CR[32]; /* 32 Byte Command RAM */
} QSMCM; /* end struct qsmcm */
************ These are individual field masks and bits for the *******
************ registers that are defined above. *******
/********** SCI - Serial Communications Interface -- UART ************
** These registers make up the serial interface for the TERM device. */
/*********** QMCR ********************/
#define QSMSTOP 0x8000 /* QSM Stop Enable */
#define QSMFRZ1 0x4000 /* Freeze1 - determines action when FREEZE is asserted. */
#define QSMSUPV 0x0080 /* Supervisor/Unrestricted (1 = supervisor state only access) */
#define QSMIARB 0x0006 /* Interrupt Arbitration Identification Number */
/*********** QDSCI_IL **********/
#define ILQSPI 0x001f /* mask for the QSPI level bits */
 Example init process for TOUCAN
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void _init_can(TOUCAN *psTou) /* init TOUCAN controller in MPC555*/
unsigned int nCount;
/* init operation modes ----------------------------- */
/* 250kBaud */
psTou->CANCTRL0 = (0<<RXMODE) | (0<<TXMODE) | (6<<PROPSEG);
/* bit clock is 5 MHz == 25MHz / 5; seg1 = seg2 = 1,2 us */
psTou->CANCTRL2 = (4<<PRESC) |(3<<RJW) | (5<<PSEG2) | (5<<PSEG1);
psTou->CANICR = 0; /* no irqs */
/* init message buffers for normal operation
* */
/* first init receive buffers 0..11 */
for (nCount = 0; nCount < 11; nCount++)
psTou->MSB[ nCount].CONTR_STAT = (R_NOTACTIV<<TOUCODE); /* receive 0 */
/* then init receive ids */
psTou->MSB[ 0].ID_HIGH = ((0x200 | (WR_ID<<4))<<ID18); /* */
psTou->MSB[14].ID_HIGH = ((0x500 | (WR_ID<<4))<<ID18); /* */
/* ----------- transmit buffers --------------------------------------- */
/* then init transmit buffer 1 */
psTou->MSB[ 1].ID_HIGH = ((0x600 | WR_ID)<<ID18); /* upload */
psTou->MSB[ 1].CONTR_STAT = (T_NOTREADY<<TOUCODE); /* receive 11 */
/* enable msb 0 to receive commands */
psTou->MSB[ 0].CONTR_STAT = (R_EMPTY<<TOUCODE); /* receive commands */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
psTou->IFLAG = 0; /* clear rec. and transmit flags */
psTou->ECTR = 0; /* clear error counters */
/* clear all existing error */
nCount = psTou->ESTAT; /* firs read error status */
psTou->ESTAT = 0;
psTou->CANMCR = TOUFS_enable & ~TOU_halt & ~TOUSV_only; /* start */
} /* end of _init_can() */
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